Seattle Simmer Huang
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Amazingly Delicious
About Us

Simmer Huang's " Three Sauce Simmer Pot " originated from the " Spicy Sauce Fish " in Qing Dynasty. The recipe was passed down to generations and has been perfected by the famous nutritionists Huang Zhenou and his son Huang geng. Based on the traditional Chinese health theory(the homology of medicine and food), the father and son came up with a model(three noes)that became well known in the mainstream catering. The three noe's mplicate no fumes, no chefs,and no re-use of ingredients. What is " three sauce " ? According to Taosim Theory, 道生一(Dao begets one, nothingness), 一生(One begets Two, yin and yang), 二生三(Two begets Three, Heaven, Earth and Man), 三生万物(Three begets all things). In Chinese culture, the " Three Sauce " resembles "Heaven, Earth and Humanity ", it can also be interpreted as vegetable juice, meat gravy, and the sauce itself. The combination of these three sauces deliver a taste that is relevant to nature, life and wellness.
What is "Simmering" ?
There are 24 cooking methods that is used in traditional Chinese cuisine: 炒(stir fry),爆(quick stir fry with high heat), 熘(fried and lightly braised in sauce), 炸(deep fry), 烹(close to boil), 煎(fey with less oil), 贴(fry with no oil), 烧(braise), 焖(simmer), 炖(stew) , 蒸(steam), 永(quick boil), 煮(boil), 烩(boil with sauce), 炝(quickly fry in hot oil), 腌(marinade), 拌(mix), 烤(roast), 卤(stew with sauce), 冻(cool to make jelly), 拔丝(quick fry with sugar), 蜜汁(cook with honey sauce), 熏(smoke), 卷(roll). The Chinese character for simmering " 焖 " not only mirrors the cooking style, it also resembles the conservative and moderate lifestyle in the Chinese culture.
Simmer Huang currently has more than 600 franchises in mainland China(more than 200 cities), Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao, Australia, Canada, America, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia..
什么是“焖锅” ?
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